Skyline Citygirl is a 3rd-person rhythm game set in a neon-lit city in which you speed along a track, dodging obstacles and trying to hit as many score pads as possible to the beat of the song! Transition into a 1st person shooter to battle waves of drones and earn a high score!
Dates: September 2023 - December 2023
Role: Programming Manager/Programmer
Technologies Used: Godot 4 | GDScript
Won Audience Award for Exploratory Game Design at Stout Game Expo Fall 23!
Some of My Involvement
Managing the Programmers
After we had a team of student game developers playtest our game, I decided to make an organized summary of all the feedback we received. I bolded commonly repeated issues.
This portion of the playtest summary simplified everything down into the playtesters' natural feelings while playing the game (anger/happiness) and their thoughts/ideas.
An organized list of all the game builds I have produced and tested for the game.
After we had a team of student game developers playtest our game, I decided to make an organized summary of all the feedback we received. I bolded commonly repeated issues.
For this project, I was the programming manager, in which I managed the workload and took charge of making sure every programmer had a task to do at any given time. I led daily programmer meetings with our 6 programmers, and I frequently did 1-on-1 talks with them to establish paths to accomplish tasks. I also helped teammates collaborate on tasks that required it and set up an organized workflow. Finally, I wrote playtest summaries, and I frequently made and tested game builds.
Coding Obstacles
I coded the cars on the road and the big vehicles we call "monster trucks". I implemented their movement on the road, their collisions, their placements, and an area that triggers a camera animation for the monster truck.
UI Animations
I implemented everything that would be considered an animation regarding the UI. This includes the following:
​Black screen swipe transitions for the menus
"Loading" text when loading into a level
All tutorial text that fades in and out of the first level. Including making them different depending on the connected controller
All visor animations in the shooter section
Camera Animations
I implemented all camera animations. This includes the following:
​Camera sliding under the monster trucks
360 animation when entering combat
Camera staying back and fading to black at the end of levels
Creating the Pitch Prototype
I coded and set up this prototype along with building models and music from my teammate Nathan Gosswiller. This would eventually be pitched to a game design class, resulting in a team of 12 people working on this game!
Representing our Game at Conventions
Our team had a booth at M+Dev 2024 in Madison, Wisconsin, and Stout Game Expo Fall 23 in Menomonie, Wisconsin where we won the Audience Award for Exploratory Game Design. It was a great experience to see so many people play our game and give us feedback. We also had the idea of having a leaderboard exclusive to the convention where players could tell us their scores to put on the leaderboard, which was my job.
Some of my other Contributions
Implimenting Sound FX
Notepads Changing Colors